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Saturday, February 19, 2011

teenage stupidity

I don't have a my divers licence but we had a car my aunt left at our house and i would take it and drive when my mom wasn't home. (like every teenager) well once it was dark but, I'm like addicted to driving so i was out driving around the block and randomly this crazy cat pounced out of nowhere in front of my car! so i hit it and killed it. i felt so bad. i jumped out of my car and picked up the cat not knowing what to do, i just tossed it into my neighbors yard. the next Sunday this old lady was talking about a dead cat she found in her yard and the other lady was like "that was my poor cat mittens!" i wanted to cry! i felt like a total d-bag.

so i had a trampoline a few years ago and i had a friend over and were climbing on the roof of my house and jumping off onto the trampoline. it was pretty sick. so we had to take a ladder up onto the roof of course and when we got up my brother and his crazy friends took the ladder and moved the trampoline then. so were where stuck up there for like ten minuets screaming.(my mom was not home. if she was i would be killed) they got super sick of us so they got the hose out at like 10 pm and sprayed us! we were soaked! after two hours of freezing our buns off they mad us jump off to the trampoline... but it was so dark that we couldn't see the trap. we made it in the end. lucky jump.

on my way to seminary one day i noticed the kid ahead of me, Jess, had his hair spiked in such a way that it reminded me of a porcupines butt. i was dieing inside so like any kid i pulled my phone out to take a picture. well i ad i was about to take the picture Jess turned around and saw and i thought maybe he didn't notice but then my phone made the loud camera noise phone cameras do. the rest of the way there him and is friend were whispering and kept looking back at me. i was humiliated i didn't need the whole school thinking i was some creep that took pictures of boys when they weren't looking. i have a lot to my reputation but being a creep isn't nor will it ever be one. (i hope)

where i go to school there is this really steep hill. in the seventh grade me and a friend of mine were hopping down this hill. it was challenging and fun and we were amused. at the bottom of the hill were these cute ninth grade boys.(most boys that go to the school are so fine!!) they were standing in a circle and i thought i would impress them by hopping into the middle of it. so i stood at the top of the hill and jumped. i was doing good but i got to the bottom and slipped. i face planted into the middle of the circle and i bounced. after a second i got up dusted myself off and looked at them... made a ridicules face, made a strange noise and ran. i am so stupid some times.

 one night me and my good pal menlove went to a privet good Charlot event the radio had at the movies.(after the concert we saw the band  at Joe's crab shack. we told  them that we saw there house on cribs and it was spicy! is that weird to say? in the same place as the movies is a place with restaurants and some huge building and... a fountain. so after the concert we walked over to the fountain... we were just sitting there waiting for our ride but then i got the best idea ever! we rolled up our pants and jumped in! then people started coming so we hopped out and scram "grab the rangers!" (the rangers our my super vintage power rangers back pack i have had for like ever!) so the next week at lacrosse practice we noticed that beautiful, beautiful fountain. so we walked down the street and jumped in. as we were having a jolly good time playing in the fountain the security guard rolled up on his segway and asked us to pleas get out of the fountain. even tho we got in trouble it was a great time. i even got to cross off two things off my bucket list, meet a celebrity and swim in a fountain. one good day! :)


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